
"Gee, Alayna, what do you want to do tonight?"
"The same thing we do every night, Pontus—try to take over the world!"


Wizlets is an incremental game that incorporates narrative and art with 'clicker' mechanics. Play here.


Constellations is a work of interactive fiction exploring the constellations of memory, identity, and stars. Find out more about the project here.

Tinted Tales

Tinted Tales is a project about creativity and colour, using palettes to prompt works of poetry and short fiction.


Calendarish is a vague calendar and scheduling app for vague people.

Twitter bots

We have created a number of Twitter bots, including one that generates SVG galaxies, one that makes sunsets, one that writes haikus, and one that is a space salesbot's travel log. See all of our Twitter bots here.

Esther the Llama